1. Establish a quarterly secretariat meeting to replace the current monthly “leadership” meeting. 2. Update the monthly communication to the Cursillo community with a personal letter from each secretariat member, one letter per month, including contact information. 3. Provide the list of all parish liaisons and contact info to the Cursillo community on the website.
1. Establish a separate School of Leaders that can operate as a source of affirmation, renewal and formation. a. Establish an active School of Leaders separate from the secretariat. b. Hold regular (monthly or bi-monthly) formational events alternating between doctrinal and technique presentations. i. Open doctrinal talks to the diocesan public. ii. Include Diocesan, National (USCCB), and Universal (Pope) goals such as Eucharist and Vatican II topics 2. Empower the working segments of the Cursillo; Precursillo, 3-Day Weekend, and Postcursillo to create teams who will do the work necessary for each section within the School of Leaders.
1. Develop and implement a strategy to establish liaisons and core groups of Cursillistas in all parishes. 2. Identify parishes/environments to be penetrated by the movement. 3. Strive to have candidates from various groups, communities, or environments represented at each Cursillo weekend to improve diversity.
1. Enhance the candidates knowledge and appreciation of Group Reunion and Ultreya. a. Allow sufficient time for the Group Reunion/Ultreya rollo. b. Have each De Curia participate in an actual group reunion session. 2. Re-organize the 3-day materials (manual and schedule). a. Review the current 3-day script and update according to the new format and timeline. b. Allow time for music, fellowship, quiet time for reflection. c. Update the manual with all relevant details needed to run a weekend. d. Develop an order of service for the closing to standardize the method of closing of the 3 day Cursillo. e. Clarify the roles for the 3-day teams, including additional Cha’s. 3. Create a simple system, with sub-team leads, and personal invitations to new Cursillistas, that enlarges the number of people who work on each weekend. 4. Develop site checklist for manager of building.
1. Encourage and help establish group reunions after the weekend. a. Provide materials to help explain Group Reunion. b. Provide group apostolic action ideas for groups. 2. Establish multiple Ultreyas across the diocese 3. Update the Ultreya script to remind Cursillistas of the mission, strategy, and goals of the movement. 4. Establish a communication network a. Update the website regularly with Ultreya information. b. Compile a directory of all Cursillistas. c. Utilize the liaisons in each parish to circulate announcements and Cursillo information. 5. Increase the Postcursillo team membership.
The goal of a Pastoral Plan is to assist the Cursillo Movement in moving closer to its ideal as an authentic Cursillo Movement. This Pastoral Plan establishes apostolic goals for the Cursillo Movement of the Diocese of Gary toward which the leaders of the movement will strive to achieve. The Plan is structured by its major sections: Secretariat, School of Leaders, Precursillo, Cursillo (3-Day), and Postcursillo.
Review our short-term goals (0-2 years) below